Jay’s Ps vita games you should play this year!
|Hello guys and girls of the Otakuverse and a very happy new year to you all, It’s 2018 and a year set to be full of awesome releases already with major titles on the horizon as well as a number of fan favourites lined up its sure to be the year that diminishes the hardcore gamers social standing and make those not quite there begin the spiral into Otakudum.
My first article of the year wont be about those no, no today were taking a look back at some of the vita titles you should try try or get back to this year for one reason or another. I should note despite this been a list for vita titles some of these games appear on other platforms however my experience is with the vita versions also there in no particular order and are recommendations on my personal enjoyment of the games I played last year.
Demon Gaze 1 & 2
As a fan of a good dungeon crawler I find myself playing well a lot of them one of my personal favorites among the genre been the first demon gaze title sure it’s a bit tough and has hell level difficulty spikes, heck at times without a solid plan can feel more than a little unfair but that only makes it that much more rewarding when you take down a challenging foe and see the story progress. I also understand that this will not appeal to everyone but with the recent release of the 2nd title I found nearly all the same elements I like in a dungeon crawler with the somewhat more stable difficulty. Find out review for Demon Gaze 1 HERE & Demon Gaze 2 HERE
The Caligula Effect
I have reviewed this title already and you can see the full article HERE. Ill keep this short and sweet if like me you’re a fan of the persona series this game is for you, despite some of the shortcomings I state in the review once the ball gets rolling it becomes an interesting title. With a fun take on the battle system yet it’s far from perfect as with many titles but offers a fun mix of elements from multiple games I find myself enjoying. Failing that there’s always the OST that I still can not get out my head to this day!
Exist Archive
Exist Archive, now I am dubious about this one as I haven’t actually got back to this one myself (due to backlog & review duties) but decided it’s fine as It is on my own play in 2018 list. Exist Archive sees you take on the roll of children who get killed only to be possessed by a god thus gaining god like abilities. The game is generally considered to be spiritual successor to the Valkyrie Profile series which gives the game a degree of pedigree. While I have to say its not quite as polished it’s still a fantastic must have title for any Vita owner.
Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed
Akiba’s trip is a fun action based RPG that is set in Akihabara and sees you take on the roll of a young hero in order to rid the town of vampires. Full to bursting with Otaku culture and references this is without a doubt one of my all time favourite titles but sadly its reception was vastly over shadowed by its fan service outcry, The battle system sees you best the vampires by striping them down honestly it’s a “unique” way of handling it but its far cry from what many would lead you to believe. Check out our review of the PS4 port HERE
World of Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy is one of the biggest surprises I had with vita games, Though a fan of final fantasy and someone that once played and enjoyed Pokemon I wanted a go however the demo for the title left me somewhat underwhelmed. Ultimately I decided to give it a chance and found very quickly that my opinion changed with the story and most notably the ending been among my favourite in the franchise. check out the PS4 review HERE
Tokyo Xanadu
Tokyo Xanadu – much like Exist Archive in this list its one I haven’t gotten back to despite meaning to, the main reason I include this one is due to the recent re-release on PS4. Tokyo Xanadu is from the same developers that brought us cold steel and Ys series with cold steel having a clear showing in Xanadu but remaining separate. Once more the persona love is showing here with this title offering a Persona meets Trails style action RPG that manages to stand apart and be equal if not better to the Trails series. The game is available both on PS4 and Vita, the PS4 has some extra content but whichever version you drop on it’s still a must play!.
Truth be told there are still a number of games in my backlog I wish to get to and likely many more that could have made this list and some that are not JRPGs feel free to drop a comment with anything you recommend or think i may have missed i look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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