Otakugamers UK Recommend
|When we first heard about the latest Big In Japan sale on the EU Playstation Store we honestly did not believe how big this thing was going to be. The main reaction from all of us here was that we would either need to sell our currently collections or body parts to fund our purchases.
We feel sorry for you readers as no doubt you may be going through the same as us so, because we are king, we have decided to go through the sale and recommend games that we think are either just a great game, a steal at the ale price or both.
The Big In Japan Sale is currently active of the EU Playstation store and runs through until the 13/07/2016.
Let us know below in the comments what you picked up!
Des @desmondmayer
I remember it clearly. I was sitting at work and saw the list come up on the EU Blog. I had a quick look through it and marked a few titles that I may be interested in if the prices were good. (If you are not aware, the EU Blog does not list prices any more.) Flash forward to after work when I sat down and looked through the actual store – this is when I started to feel my wallet start to hurt.
For me I have three titles that I would like to recommend. First up is Digimon Cyber Slueth on the PS4 (or Vita). The game is a steal at the sale price and is one I have been looking out for since release. If you are a huge Digimon fan and looking for something a little different, then this one is for you.
On the back of that, I looked for another title that I have been waiting to drop in price since release. I am looking at you Persona 4 Dancing All Night. Again, the sale price is a steal and if I take our review into account, it is perfect for me. Persona 4 characters mixed with the soundtrack? Sign me up right now!
My final choice is a title part of one of my favourite franchises, Danganronpa 2. I have two reasons that I think you should add this title to your basket. First up, like the other two, it is at a really good price at the moment and secondly this is a visual novel that can easily take you up to 50hrs to fully complete. Why is this good? Summer is coming people and if you are going on holiday at some point then this is a perfect time killer whilst you are waiting for the bars to open!
Andi @namelessandi
Short and simple this batch from myself, looked through the list and saw a few gems that I feel got overshadowed so I’ve stepped from behind my JoJo imposed cell to bring you my picks! OPEN THE GAME!…… I’m sorry it’s consuming my life!.
Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed this link will actually take you over to our original site as the review has yet to be moved over here but I still stand behind the score and review on this one. Fantastically addictive game play akin to the Yakuza/Kenka Bancho/Kunio Kun style games and much Otaku goodness to keep you frothing at the oversized anime mouth!.
Dragon Quest Heroes Easy one this, the finest Musou game that doesn’t have One Piece or Zelda slapped all over it, charming graphics and an amazing amount of content. Defo bang for your buck with this one!.
NitroPlus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Quite an underrated fighting game now at a more than reasonable price, still wouldn’t advise for those shy of Fan Service and visual novel style stories but the core fighting system still has me coming back to it when I can get a game online, plus it has more content than Street Fighter V…….. yeah still salty.
Liam O’
So, Sony have decided to give us another Big In Japan Sale and it has to be said that there’s plenty of choice, so we’ve been asked to pick a few games out to recommend, but honestly, it’d be easier to pick games to avoid.
Because of the amount of choice there is on there, I’ve decided to put an added limitation on myself, no games I obsess over or big titles. So no BlazBlue, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Gravity Rush, Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy, among others.
First off, I’m going to have to recommend Rainbow Moon. I remember playing the trial to this and I got lost in it. I forgot I was playing a demo until the “Your time is up” screen popped up on the screen, I promised myself I’d end up getting it but my PS3 broke, then when I got my Vita, it was one of the first games I bought, and it’s within my top 3 Vita games in general. What I love about this game is it isn’t massively in-depth, there’s just enough to drag you along, it’s not too easy, but it’s not too hard either. It can be a pain at times, but it’s still fun. The art style isn’t exactly cartoony, but it’s not realistic either, it’s somewhere in the middle. It looks and sounds pretty damn beautifully, considering you can get a trial and if you like it go for the full game, there really is no excuse not to at least try this out.
Secondly, I’ll have to pick Criminal Girls. I’ve had more fun with this than I’d like to admit, again its one of those titles where it’s not massively in depth but there’s enough to keep it going. The soundtrack really suits the area designs and the art I really like. The main thing that stands out to me with this game though is the battle system, you have 4 girls in your team and out of skills they’ve learned, they’ll each randomly pick an attack then you choose which one you think is best. Sometimes instead of a skill you’ll attack with 2, 3 or 4 girls at once though, it sounds as though it can drop you in a mess but honestly, it’s an idea that sounds awkward but it’s done really well in its execution.
Finally, I’m going to recommend Under Night In-Birth: EXE Late. This fighter is pretty damn amazing, some of the characters stories will make you giggle, the soundtrack is just beautiful, the art style is amazing, the animations are pretty fluid, the gameplay is smooth as anything and it’s paced pretty nicely, it’s hit the sweet spot somewhere in between BlazBlue and Guilty Gear, the characters are designed pretty well too both technically and aesthetically. When I played through I felt comfortable trying everyone, even the slow one which I’ve never felt comfortable with in any other game.
The games are coming, the Otaku’s getting fat and it’s all thanks to Sony’s latest sale. If you have yet to visit the store this week or have otherwise been living under a rock the latest Big In Japan Sale does exactly what it says on the tin (or in this case the screen). This massive sale has many titles I’d love to try, despite my already extensive collection however some of my more recommended ones are as follows.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night – regarded as possibly the best in the series and highly sort after by collectors everywhere. Symphony of the Night is easily a steal here for anyone wanting to enjoy the game without the hefty price tag.
Dark Cloud/Chronicle & Rouge Galaxy. I couldn’t choose any of the three here over the other so I’m going with all three. These are classic PS2 RPGs that are three of my personal favourites and at just under 6 GBP they are well worth it. These games run on the PS4’s PS2 emulator so they are enhanced with prettier graphics, crisper sounds and full trophy support – what more could you ask for? Also it goes without saying any of the Final Fantasy games would make a great addition to your collection. Most notably the PS2 era and earlier. We have been really spoiled for choice here and I’m glad I don’t have to pick any one of these to buy over the other, so many I’m even dropping a honourable mention for Sword Art and any game from the Neptunia series.
Liam C
My first recommendation from Sony’s Big In Japan Sale is Megadimension Neptunia VII, at less than half price for £19.49 you get your monies worth with this game it has a decent story with at least 30+ hours of game time, not including the tonnes of Side quests available as well as the replay ability to unlock the games multiple story endings. Megadimesnsion Neptunia is just in my personal opinion a really fun, laid back game to play, with its tongue in cheek humour as well as a bit fan service(okay maybe a lot of fan service), it’s will keep you entertained for hours on end with it’s lovable characters and unique story.
My second recommendation comes as a double hitter in the form of the Tales of Graces f + Tales of Xillia Double Pack.
The fact that both games are amazing (not that I’m biased being a huge Tales fan) with really in-depth and lengthy stories, and lengthy is a term I use loosely with these games, there is well over 100+ hours of gameplay for each of these games. So there are no issues when it comes to things to do throughout the story should you decide to take on the many, many side quests available whilst you progress. Tales of Graces f has that anime vibe to it so that instantly appealed to me as an anime fan with some of the stereotypes like the childhood friends who clearly like each other and the obligatory beach scene. Whereas Tales of Xilla takes a more serious approach to the series and focuses more heavily on the story and each of the character’s individual backgrounds.
For the price of only £9.99 for both of these games combined this is definitely a bargain worth grabbing.
So that is your lot folks. I hope we have guided you to some excellent games that you would have looked over.
If you have any questions about the games mentioned (or ones we have not), drop a message below and I am sure one of us will be able to help you out!

Geoffrey Wright

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