What the Otaku Play vol.6

It’s that time again y’all, coming into the middle of our second month for our ever increasing “What the Otaku Play Series”. Keep an eye out for upcoming Otaku Gamers UK merch including JayJay love pillows, Des’ pen holders, Andi’s Street Fighter flavored eye drops, Vince based scarfs, Liam’s award winning chili sauce or Geoff’s “Noticed by Senpai” self help book, all items will be featured on our twitter account @otakugamersuk HASHBROWN,NO FILTER. [the above items may just be simple fabrication and may or may not exist outside of Andi’s mind] 



Andi – @NamelessAndi

Another week and another set of streets to fight in, yeah that’s right i’m still on Street Fighter V which shouldn’t be shocking to anyone who caught my article last week!. Getting quite good with Nash & learning Chun Li but suffering fatigue in the fact that I spend most nights fighting Ryu…….MIX IT UP PEOPLE!. Came close to finishing Battletoads last night but a strange glitch on level 9 saw me lose nearly 40 mins of gameplay to it & I also started HALO 5 but that is a subject I don’t really want to go into (spoilers, it’s not the best), so I am aiming to spend a little more time with Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kiwami so that I can provide everyone with an import review at some point soon.


Des – @desmondmayer

It has been a very productive week for me this week. Managed to finish my Klaus review, I am putting the finishing touches on my Ironcast review and I have finally finished Life is a Strange. I must say that it was a great experience and my plan is to review it for all those that who are on the fence about it. This week I continued my trophy hunting by making a good dent into The Wolf Amongst Us on my Vita and Assassins Creed Syndicate on the PS4. I dusted off my 3DS this weekend to start working through my back log on there. Not sure what to start first but I might start with something newer like Fire Emblem Fates or Bravely Second.
So yeah, busy week just gone and a busy one ahead of me – first world problems for you.


Geoff – @madchestermanc

All new games have been played this week, but it’s not all been good. So lets start with the bad first. IFI sent over a code for the upcoming PC port of Hyperdimension Neptunia U. Much rejoicing, but with PR listing it as a Beta there was going to be obvious downsides. On my system at least, there’s tonnes of glitches (although performance is generally good when playable) and with embargo set for the 29th, I’m a little lost as to what to do. There’s been a couple of patches this past week, so hopefully it’ll be in a better state soon to review. Last weekend I picked up a couple of games for the Ps4, one was One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. Usopping always intensifies once One Piece crops up again, so it’s been getting a lot of playtime (plays great & there’s plenty of content to unlock) & I’ve even started watching the anime again. The other game I picked up was Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, which I’ve played a lot over the years but couldn’t resist trying it again after the enjoyable Vita port. There aren’t as many ehancements as expected over previous releases on PS3 & Vita, glorious 4xMSAA aside, but being able to switch back to the orignal soundtrack is a nice touch. Hopefully Hyperdimension Neptunia U is fixed up to fully playable state soon and I can post something in the coming week for its PC port,  we don’t want the CPU’s losing too many shares now do we…

Final Fantasy X-2

Vincent – @VincentV35

Kicking off my play time this week was Disgaea PC, the new PC port of the PSP port of the original PS2 SRPG, a title my review of will be arriving in the coming days. Funny, silly and colourful in equal amounts, Disgaea PC may not be the title PC players deserve but it is the one we are having, look out for more in the review.

Handheld time has been very much taken up by Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (or Pokemon Mundo Megamisterioso as I prefer to call it as it sounds so much better in Spanish). Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon takes the Pokemon themed roguelike side series to new heights in both looks and so much as I have seen so far content and writing too. Turn based combat and dungeon crawling mixed together with a top down view may not make it an instant want for many but its addictive nature and just one more floor attitude really makes it work. Mystery Dungeon has been a staple side series for the last 10 years and looks to continue that well.




This week, I’ve finally gotten around to playing a bit more Hellgate and got the writeup done (you can find it here), on top of this I’ve finally gotten Rocksmith, I’ve wanted this title for a while, for those who haven’t heard of it, it’s practically Guitar Hero, except you use a real guitar. It’s a little troublesome, sometimes if you don’t hit a note right it won’t pick up, but it actually teaches you how to play the songs as well as teaching you some guitar techniques and other fundamentals like the scales. It also doubles up as an amp with some unlockable pedals. I think I’ll be on this one for a while, I’ve learned the Rhythm to Sweet Home Alabama, but now the lead needs my attention…


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Straight from the streets of SouthTown, all Dunks Powah'd and ready to Bust A Wolf. Catch me on Twitch/YouTube.

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