Monster Hunter: World Day One Patch Detailed

As is customary with games nowadays, Monster Hunter: World will be getting a patch on its release date to add various new features. You can view the full notes here but here are the highlights:

Gallery Mode

View all the cutscenes you’ve already seen in game. Monster Hunter: World is much more story heavy that previous MH games so this will likely include much more than just the monster ecology videos that previous games had.

Poogies Added

Those lovable little porcine’s are back. Previous games allowed you to dress them up in different costumes that you could earn or purchase, a feature that is yet to be confirmed but I would be surprised if it isn’t included.

Extra Language Support

More text languages are being added for hunters who read Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Russian, Traditional Chinese and Korean.

Of particular note is the following tidbit:

In order to play the game online, the patch is required. Online questing is a huge feature of the Monster Hunter games, so i’d suggest waiting for the patch to download and apply before booting the game up for the first time.

The patch weighs in at 815mb so impatient hunters need not worry too much.

Monster Hunter: World releases this Friday worldwide.


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Geoffrey Wright

Rocking the world of gaming since the Atari 2600, has now settled down to bask in the warmth of moe. Moe is life for a moe connoisseur.

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