Grand Kingdom Latest Character Trailer Released

NIS America has released a new character trailer for the upcoming Grand Kingdom. The latest trailer introduces another set of classes, which are include the Hunter (An ace sniper that can hit faraway targets with uncanny precision), the Medic (A unit that uses vials and flasks to treat injuries and negative ailments), the Fighter (A well-rounded unit that is capable of defending allies and cutting their way into the heart of an enemy’s formation) and the Witch (A unit that wields powerful magic that can affect a wide area) Grand Kingdom is set to release for the Playstation 4 & PSVita on June 21st in North America and June 17th in Europe.


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Geoffrey Wright

Rocking the world of gaming since the Atari 2600, has now settled down to bask in the warmth of moe. Moe is life for a moe connoisseur.

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