In an industry were every major developer is trying to out do each other with graphics, it is always fresh to see someone doing something a little differently.
Over The Moon have announced that The Fall Part 2: Unbound, the second chapter in the award-winning The Fall Trilogy, will be releasing in Q1 2017 for Microsoft Xbox
Playtonic Games has announced a delay for the upcoming Yooka Laylee. Set to originally launch this October, the game has now been delayed till Q1 2017 to give
XSEED Games has announced a trio of independent games to be published in North America. The three games, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity, and Exile’s End, will
Nintendo has released a new trailer for the upcoming Tokyo Mirage sessions #FE. The latest trailer introduces the games story and offers an oversight to the characters and
Comcept has announced the release dates for Mighty No.9. With development completed and the game finally going gold, Mighty No.9 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii
A Nintendo representative has spoken to Gematsu regarding the upcoming Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. After the fallout regarding Nintendo’s localisation of Fire Emblem Fates, it may ease the
Nintendo has released a launch trailer for the upcoming Star Fox Zero. The latest Star Fox release see’s Fox, Falco, Peppy, and Slippy fighting to protect the galaxy
New details have been released for the upcoming WiiU Exclusives, Star Fox Zero & Star Fox Guard including a 6 minute trailer giving an overview of the games;