Goblin Slayer is a Light Novel/Manga/Anime franchise that dates back to 2016, while married in controversy it seems that the one genre of media it hasn’t gotten into
The finale of the trilogy of the funniest gaming series in many many years? Joe Richardson’s Rabelaisian styled point and click adventure Death of the Reprobate drops on
The beloved Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi series is back with Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, bringing all your favourite characters from throughout the series together for an all-out brawl.
With the Halloween season coming to its climax, I’m sure most of you are scrambling around to find the perfect horror experience home, be it that Halloween film
Capcom have been hard at work remastering & remaking a bunch of games from yesteryear, primarily the Resident Evil series, so it’s no surprise to see their attention
Back in the 90s/00s, when the fighting game genre had the first big boom, you had the obvious names doing the rounds like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat,
It’s that time of the month, another forgotten shooter’s been resurrected by Nightdive Studios, the masters of bringing forgotten classics back from obscurity. This time Nightdive have picked
The wave of boomer shooters looking to imitate the classics of yesteryear continues, but every now & again something catches the eye by offering a little difference. HROT