Yooka Laylee EGX2016 Character Introduction Trailer

Team17 & Playtonic Games have released a new trailer for the upcoming Yooka Laylee.

The latest trailer (showcased during EGX2016) introduces many of the games characters inlcuding Capital B, Trowzer, Dr. Quack, Rextro, Dr. Puzz, Blasto & Kartos – with Shovel Knight also making a guest appearance.

Yooka Laylee is set to release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U & PC during the first quarter of 2017.


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Geoffrey Wright

Rocking the world of gaming since the Atari 2600, has now settled down to bask in the warmth of moe. Moe is life for a moe connoisseur.

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